Raj Galleria Business operating hours between 9.00 AM to 11.00 PM. Mini-Hall can be booked on hourly basis as well. Depending on functions auspicous timings and with advance approval by Raj Galleria Management & Staffs, can be opened earlier or later based on special circumstances.
Booking Raj Galleria Royal Mini-Mahal can paid using following methods
(*) additional surcharges apply
No refund of booking upon Cancellation. Under special circumstances bookings can be changed to an alternate date depending upon Date & Availability (Listed in Availability).
Under special circumstances (e.g. due to Covid-19 Corona virus pandamic), based on state guidelines, booking at later date is an option.
A Wedding invitaion and copy of the Bride's and Groom's birth certificates must be handed Raj Galleria Management Staff a week before the event.
Special care needs to be taken and based on the Terms of Use between Raj Galleria and booking party takes full responsibility for any damage of any materials, building structures, furnitures, appliances, security cameras etc. Charges will be collected in full by Raj Galleria management. So please use the facility to the fullest and enjoy, but NO Damages allowed under any circumstances.
All the Raj Galleria Mini-Mahal facilities will be handed before the function in higly hygienic condition and expect the same in return after the function.
Yes, there is obsolutely restrictions to total number of people attending the functions. Due to keeping the cost at a offordable price, during booking, Booking party needs to declare the total number of peoples attending the function. This can be calculated when distributing the invitations and e-einvitation's.
As it is Mini-Mahal, there is a maximum seating capacity of about 200 peoples. Any additional people will be charged extra.
Note: Due to Corona Virus Pandamic and India/TamilNadu state guidelines, and social distancing rules - no more than 30 peoples can attend any functions using Raj Galleria Facility at any time until restrictions lifted by Central/State Government authorities. NO EXCEPTIONS. RULES are subjected to change and cancelled by Raj Galleria Management where we fully abide by Central/State Guidelines all the time. Management decision is final.
No, there are no food restrictions. You can bring your own food either Vegetarian or Non-Vegetarian. But cleanliness is very important. Additional amount will be charged extra if Raj Galleria management find untidy.
Any kind of Alcohol, betting games, playing cards, any kind of narcoties/drugs are strictly prohibited under all conditions. Violated parties will be reported to legal authorities like Local 🚔 Police. Additional fines will be charged for all legal fess under the expense of booking party.
Raj Galleria Management is NOT responsible for any unexpected power outage due to unexpected power cuts/failures.
Standby Power backup is available in case of Power failure, so rest assurred we got you covered - extra charges will apply.
Electricity will be charged as per the rate. An EB Meter reading will be recorded before and after the function.
Yes, there will be overstay fees agreed up during intial booking signup. e.g. if the Mini-Mahal is booked on hourly basis and if it goes overboard beyond the hour. Overstay fees will charged for the additional hours as per hourly rate.
If function goes beyond 09:30 pm checkout time, special overstay fees (double the hourly rate) will apply due to keeping the staff and cleaning crew overtime, their transportation.
Music and sound should be maintained with the audiable range at all times, will not be allowed after 09:30 pm.
Raj Galleria management or staff will not be responsible of loss of valuables like Jewelery, expensive objects, theft etc. on premise.